maggie kearns foundation:

gofund me video


Video to promote the Maggie Kearns Foundation’s GoFund Me Campaign. This video was used on their campaign web page and to send to possible donors.

The story of the maggie kearns foundation


This foundation provides scholarships for young women interested in studying engineering/ STEM as a career. We provide opportunities for theses ladies to follow their dreams! This is one way we honor the spirit of Maggie Kearns making this world a better place.

Margaret Ann Kearns – Maggie was someone who genuinely cared about others, was always unapologetically herself and inspired so many people with her determination and perseverance to follow her dreams. Although only on this earth for 19 years after complications from a stroke, there are endless memories.

When Maggie was a senior in high school she was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. She was so strong and battled this disease every day . Despite difficulties Maggie graduated high school and studied engineering at CalPoly in California, and the University of Illinois. Not once did she let this disease stop her.